Best Interest Advocacy Inside and Outside of the Courtroom


The 4th Judicial District CASA Program is privileged to work with incredible volunteer Guardians ad Litem (GALs) that provide best interest advocacy inside and outside of the courtroom every single day for foster children in our community. GALs are ordinary members of the community that have said yes to volunteering with CASA by attending one of our bimonthly Volunteer Information Hours, applying to volunteer, attending an interview with our CASA Trainer, completing 30 hours of training, and undergoing a criminal history check all before signing into their first case. GALs are an incredible resource and partner within the child protection system, and we couldn’t do this work without them!

The role of the GAL in a child protection case is unique because they are not social workers or employees of the court or state, but rather they are trained community volunteers from a variety of backgrounds. GALs conduct independent investigations and report their findings to the court while also advocating for services and support that help children and their families work toward reunification. Some of the work of the GAL includes visiting the children they are appointed to serve at least once a month in person; speaking to all of the important people in the child’s life such as their biological parents, foster parents, teachers, counselors, doctors, dentists, extended family members, social workers, etc. They also write reports that are submitted to the court with the help of their Advocate Coordinator and pro bono attorney, as well as attend hearings; but that’s not all they do!

The old proverb, “it takes a village,” is one adage that describes how our community comes together to partner with GALs to support foster children served by our CASA Program. Because of generous partnerships and incredible community support, GALs are able to help provide foster children with everyday normalcy and positive childhood experiences while in foster care through opportunities for bicycles, birthday treats, summer camp, and school supplies while also providing them with best interest advocacy inside the courtroom.



CASA recently received a donation of 16 bicycles in a variety of sizes from Horizon Air that CASA volunteers could request for the children on their cases. Within hours of the donation being available, CASA volunteers requested nearly all the bicycles! From one of our volunteers: “The child on my case was thrilled to get that bike and took off riding right away. The foster parent told me that they were going to save up for a month to get her a new one and she was so sad but understood. Since the bike was delivered, she has been flying around with her friends all over the courtyard on that bike. I have not seen that big a smile on her face in so long. Pure Joy.”


Birthday cakes and birthday gifts

CASA has an incredible partnership with a volunteer organization, Cake4Kids, that provides free custom birthday cakes for foster children. Cake4Kids volunteers never meet the children they support, but every cake is custom-made for each child and an enormous amount of love is baked into each one. GALs work with parents and foster parents to learn the child’s favorite flavor, color, and decorations, so each cake is what the child wants! Along with birthday cakes, GALs are also able to select a birthday present that they can bring with them from our Resource Room that is filled with community donations, such as new books, toys, and more. Donors have also provided everything we need to wrap a birthday gifts, and CASA has a partnership with Cards for Cubs that provides handmade birthday cards. Recently, one of our children requested a Not Quite Narwhal cake for their 3rd birthday. As the cake came out of the box, they knew exactly what was on the cake even though the adults had to Google what it was. Accompanied by a few Bluey books and a toy from the Resource Room, the GAL was able to celebrate the child’s birthday with their parents as well as their foster parents!


Summer camp and camp supplies

Since the fall of 2022, CASA has had a partnership with the Treasure Valley YMCA to send up to 16 children and youth to summer camp at Horsethief Reservoir each summer. CASA children are nominated to attend camp by their GAL, approved by the Department of Health and Welfare, signed up by their parents and foster parents, and then get to spend a week at camp like any other camper. CASA children are assigned to cabin or yurt groups based on their age and gender, from incoming second graders, to incoming 11th graders. All meals and activities are included, making camp a perfect platform for all to experience independence and normalcy. All campers come from many socio-economic and family backgrounds, and the YMCA does their best to promote fairness and equality for all at camp. Once children have been registered for camp, CASA works with donors to provide some of the camp supplies that the children and youth may need. In 2024, the local chapter of the Eastern Star provided large Rubbermaid tubs filled with sleeping bags, toiletries, and more for each camper attending Horsethief. Just before the children and youth leave for camp, GALs drop off cards and small treats to get sent to camp, so each child and youth receive a care package in the mail.


Backpacks and school supplies

The generous community support CASA and Family Advocates receives is what allows us to provide foster children with additional concrete resources such as backpacks and school supplies. Last spring, one of our community partners, Arden Elite Real Estate Group, reached out with an offer to organize and oversee a backpack and school supply drive for children and youth served by the CASA Program. Arden and her incredible team, including family and friends, worked with local businesses in Meridian and Eagle to host drop off locations in July for backpacks and school supplies. In early August, more than 50 volunteers met at a park in Eagle and filled over 300 backpacks with school supplies for each grade level from kindergarten through high school. In fact, more than 361 backpacks were donated, along with additional school supplies that GALs were able to deliver to the children and youth they serve. There was even enough left over to refill school supplies in January!


Finding normalcy in foster care can be a challenge, but through GALs, incredible partnerships, and community support, the CASA Program helps provide the foster children we serve with positive childhood experiences like bicycles, birthday cakes and birthday gifts, summer camp and camp supplies, backpacks filled with school supplies, and best interest advocacy inside the courtroom. If you’re interested in becoming a Guardian ad Litem, saying “yes” to volunteering with CASA, and making an impact for a child in foster care, please attend an upcoming Volunteer Information Hour!