
Background Check Policy

As required under Idaho Code section 16-1632(3) and Idaho Juvenile Rule 35(k), all prospective employees whose job duties require (1) daily direct contact with program participants, or (2) supervision of program participants, must have a background check. Generally, this includes all staff and program volunteers. Board members are also required to complete a background check.

Background Check Policy


Conflict of Interest Policy

The best way to avoid actual or perceived conflicts of interest is full disclosure of a potential situation before the conflict occurs.

Conflict of Interest Policy


Diversity and Inclusion Strategy

This diversity and inclusion strategy provides us with a road map to create an inclusive workplace.

Diversity and Inclusion Policy


Equal Employment Opportunity Policy

Family Advocates values inclusion, equity and the ability to meet the needs of all individuals involved in our organization.

Equal Employment Opportunity Policy


Media Consent and Release Agreement

This is a legally binding document that grants authorization for Family Advocates to produce, reproduce (or reuse), edit videos, take pictures, print, and record sound of an individual. Individuals under the age of 18 will need their legal guardian to sign the form.

Media Consent and Release Agreement Policy


Social Media and Political Activity Policy

Because Family Advocates’ team members’ online comments and postings can impact our organization, Family Advocates has adopted these guidelines that team members must observe when participating in social networking sites and/or engaging in other forms of internet use on and off duty.

Social Media and Political Activity Policy


Equal Opportunity Policy- Volunteers

Family Advocates wishes to emphasize the importance of an inclusive and welcoming organization that provides equal access to services and volunteer opportunities to all.

Equal Opportunity Policy-Volunteers


Agency Complaints

Program participants wishing to file a complaint with Family Advocates can access our Civil Rights Complaint Form in the footer of this website under CONTACT US. Program participants wishing to file a complaint with a federal funder can access those links here:

Agency Complaint Links