VOLUNTEERS: Everyday Heros


Every year, a week is set aside during the month of April to celebrate the contributions of volunteers. Family Advocates loves to recognize our volunteers on social media, when we have been invited to speak to a special group or company, when promoting our mission and impact at an event and during everyday volunteer service interactions. WE LOVE OUR VOLUNTEERS!

Did you know volunteers help our organization SAVE MONEY and INCREASE DONATIONS? The amount of work all our volunteers do in a single month would put us out of business if we had to pay full-time staff to accomplish it. It’s an unfortunate reality of charitable organizations. However, volunteers are also so passionate about the work they are doing, they fuel it with donations as well! It is an added benefit to having volunteers who really come to understand and love their volunteer service and the impact it is having on the children and families we serve.

As it was already mentioned, volunteers really do have a passion for the work they are doing. When that passion is given an opportunity to be expressed and shared, it makes an impact! When volunteers show off their passion and the joy they have for Family Advocates, their network is more likely to take an interest in the work and get involved, too!  They are the BEST MARKETING in the world!

An organization like Family Advocates can INCREASE OUR IMPACT because we have more reach due to volunteers. The more individuals we have helping us means we are able to scale our programs and services. For example, one employee can supervise up to 30 active GALs for up to 45 cases!

Volunteers come from all walks of life. They represent a diverse group of people with a DIVERSE RANGE OF SKILLS. Our Family Strengthening Education Program can provide subject matter expertise to their courses because of volunteers that have experience in finance, child development, nutrition and more! This is a great addition to the curriculum and the already knowledgeable and talented staff.

Family Advocates could not do the work that we do without the support of generous volunteers who are able to optimize our efforts every day! Consider joining our volunteer team and learn more by attending one of our Volunteer Information Hours (VIH). Simply email volunteer@familyadvocates.org to receive the registration link for the upcoming VIH. Join us and help us strengthen families and keep kids safe as we empower everyday people like YOU to protect and enrich the lives of youth!